З сумом пішов з Patreon

Був там багато років. Більшість моїх улюблених творчих людей ще досі там.

Але після того, як компанія побанила фонд “Повернись живим”, журналіста Айдера Муждабаєва - лишатись там буде проти мого сумління.

Сьогодні відмінив усі пледжі та попрощався з кожним так:


With all pain in my heart, I have to notify you that I have to leave the Patreon platform and stop supporting your art there.

The fact is that in time of the brutal and unprovoked military aggression of Russia, Patreon took the side of the aggressor.

If the banning of the charity fund “Come Back Alive” (“Povernys Zhyvym”) (which has been helping the defenders of Ukraine since 2014) could be formally justified; then the banning of an independent journalist Ayder Muzhdabaev could not be justified in any way, it just looks like conscious persecution of a pro-Ukrainian journalist.

As a Ukrainian, I can’t afford to look for excuses for Patreon. Not during wartime.

And I must assure you that I still remain a big fan of your work. And over time, I will try to find alternative ways to support you.

Peace to you.